
What you can do with a Blank Journal

A blank journal can be used for far too many things than can be adequately described in one blog post. We’ll highlight some ideas for you to get acquainted with your next blank journal!

1) To reflect.

Anytime, anywhere. Notice the moment. Or the past. Or thoughts about the future.

For many reasons, this season is a time of reflection- whether 
noticing the change in the seasons or the changing of routines.

2) To jot down fleeting observations or passing thoughts

Having these momentary lapses of wisdom recorded in one place, can act as a central repository


We are embracing the infinite possibilities of blank journals

3. To keep track of whatever you are wanting to keep track of.

What you are feeling. Thinking. Eating. A habit you are wanting to start or stop. You can customize a mood diary, food journal, behavior tracker, etc., in any way that suits your needs.

4. Harnessing Positivity

A blank journal can be your place to record inspirational quotes or encouraging messages. You get to decide what goes inside. Customize the messages to what inspires YOU and feels good to you.

5. Intellectual pursuits

To record your learning in a manner that reflects your individuality. Taking notes as you are sitting in a virtual class. Writing down what you’d like to remember later. The sky is the limit here.

this journal will only be for happy things. It now also exists in a different print. Which do you prefer?

this journal will only be for happy things. It now also exists in a different print. Which do you prefer?

6. Capturing creative outlets

A notebook or journal can be a bound location to capture whatever it is that you are creating or you want to remember. Poetry. Song lyrics. Doodles. Ideas for creating your next venture- perhaps a series of blank notebooks? (That’s what happened here- our blank journals just sort of happened once our creative juices got flowing! Still trying to figure out which of the two orange m&m’s journals we prefer!)

7. Organizing your goals

The act of recording what you are wanting to do both helps to keep you organized and focused and helps to organize your plans and actions.

What are you wanting to do this next month? This next year? How do you envision that the process of creating your side project? What are your visions for your future? Do you have a big idea that you want to flesh out?

8. Gifting a spark (for you, for someone else)

A blank journal is a spark for any or all of the above- and so much more! When you are wanting to create a spark- for you, or for someone else- we believe that a blank journal may be just what you need. A blank journal is a gift with endless potential. Fortunately, many options are available to reflect the personality and goals of the recipient. Also, journals can also look good in hardcover form (as is evidenced below. In fact, we love the design below so much that we created some additional products with this original art.)

If you are feeling inspired with any or all of the above, we invite you to check our our growing library of blank journals (and related products) that you can have shipped directly to you soon! In fact, you can click on the images above to take you directly to that journal.

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What will YOU do inside of YOUR blank journal?

Please let us know in the comments below!

The many benefits of journaling when you are going through something big

“There are uses to adversity, and they don’t reveal themselves until tested. Whether it’s serious illness, financial hardship, or the simple constraint of parents who speak limited English, difficulty can tap unexpected strengths.”

-U.S. Supreme Court Justice, Sonia Sotomayor

We all go through tough times or face challenging situations. In fact, we are all going through something “big” right now, the uncertainties of weathering a global pandemic and the associated implications and emotions.

Whatever it is that you face, the following statement is true: Journaling can guide you along this journey.

In fact, journaling can be one of the most useful tools to help you get through or help process something big that you’re going through. As a practicing psychologist, I’ve had the privilege of guiding people as they navigate many big challenges that they face. Some people note how they have relied on journaling to help guide them during this time, and we reflect on what they’ve gained from that experience. For those who aren’t already journaling, I encourage the practice of journaling help them continue to understand where they would like to go and how to get there, or to help them grow or feel better.

What are some of the benefits of journaling when you’re facing something big?

Benefits of journaling when you are going through something BIG:

  • Journaling offers a safe place for emotional release, providing a space to  “get it out.”

  • Journaling can help us get organized. It can help us plan and figure things out so that we can better make decisions for ourselves.

  • Journaling lends itself to reflection, self-awareness and improved understanding of ourselves and making sense of patterns.

  • Journaling results in a record- a record of our thoughts or our feelings or our experiences. We can then pull the wisdom from creating this record and apply it to anything in our lives or well-being.

All of these benefits are seen clearly when journaling is used to help guide someone through the journey of going through something big.

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To illustrate:

The example I’ll highlight in this post is the impact of journaling while going through cancer. A large part of my private practice focuses in oncology. I help people adjust to and process how cancer has impacted their lives. A year ago, I created a workshop series for those who had been diagnosed with cancer to learn how to cultivate (or reconnect) with this practice, through learning skills and building community. The workshops have been a huge success and have been meaningful for both the participants and myself, and I have thought a lot about the lessons learned from participating in this series. Furthermore, because of these workshops, I have built upon the program materials I had created for the workshop and have published a journal for those who are at any point on the cancer journey, as patients, survivors, or caregivers. And if you’re interested in hearing more, I’ve explored this topic on a radio program, describing the role that journaling can play in one’s cancer journey.

I may not even have needed to write this blog post to convince you, but hopefully this has helped you see the tremendous value in journaling when you are going through something big!

If you are curious about the tools you see me holding in the photo below, here’s how you can obtain a copy of these just-published resources!

Reflections: A Journal Companion for the Cancer Journey

Self-Reflections: A Journal for Exploration and Growth

Happy journaling to all!

-Marni Amsellem, Ph.D.

Founder, Write. Reflect. Grow

And author of what I am holding!


What’s the Big Idea?

I am excited to share a tool that has big potential. I’m sharing what has become a Big Idea to me.

I would like to introduce to you The Big Idea Journal: A Tool for Facilitating Change and Bringing your Idea to Life. I welcome you letting this journal be your guide when you notice your own seeds of ideas, regardless of what they are. The journal was developed based on the premise that you can take an idea, whether for a passion, a program, a business, or a project and make it more than just a great idea. With The Big Idea Journal as your guide, you help you make your idea a reality.

An overview of how it works:

You create your own parameters and The Big Idea Journal can help you define them.

You decide upon your own goals and identify needs and The Big Idea Journal can help you articulate them.

You take action to make things happen and The Big Idea Journal can help you organize your actions and establish your priorities.

You encounter barriers and The Big Idea Journal can help you understand how to overcome them.

You see outcomes and The Big Idea Journal can help you reflect on what you have achieved.

You hold the power in your own hands (if you happen to be holding The Big Idea Journal). See for yourself. To purchase The Big Idea Journal for yourself (or anyone you know with an idea), you can purchase directly from the publisher, purchase on Amazon, attend a live event or contact me directly.


Marni Amsellem, Ph.D.

Author, The Big Idea Journal