mental health

Tips and tools to organize and prepare for what is on your horizon

This post focuses on concrete tips and tools to help you feel more organized, confident, and in-the-moment in THIS moment.

Let’s spend a moment reflecting on what we are collectively going through right now, and also what you are going through personally. Inequities and discrimination on a societal level and perhaps also a personal level. Uncertainty about what lies ahead on so many levels.

What are some of the big things for you right now?

How are you doing with all of this?

Of course, many right now are going back to “school”, though there is no certainty about exactly what that means this year. We’ve also been reflecting on what going back to school means and how that feels right now.

We’ve been talking to students about what this feels like for them. In fact, we’ve taken to Zoom to meet with students and talk to them directly about how things are feeling for them and how journaling can help guide them through the feelings of overwhelm and uncertainty. We’ve enjoyed this so much and we would love to continue this throughout the school year!

I’ll briefly highlight two workshops that we ran this summer, one with middle school-aged girls taking part in an online leadership-focused camp and one with undergraduates at Cornell University illustrating how impactful sharing an hour with a group of young people on top-of-mind topics can be.

Journaling Workshops for Youth

What we’ve seen is that, even while on a Zoom call, taking the time to reflect on directed prompts makes a notable difference in terms of self-awareness and achieving clarity. Creating and running these workshops has been a huge positive for us this summer. We (intern Nicholas and myself) felt satisfied that we could provide concrete tools, and these tools and discussions were appreciated.

So much so that we hope to do this again soon.

If your organization or group, whether for adults or youth, is interested in a journaling workshop customized to your needs and interests, please reach out directly.

Organizational tools, masks, and swag

Another experience we have had this summer that has felt positive:

time at home = time to create.

Yes, that has meant some journaling and writing, and several passion projects are still works-in-progress. We’ve dabbled into other types of creating as well. While we anticipate that there will be more creating to come, for now we proudly introduce digital art… for your journals (and for yourselves!). We have created tools for organization and for flair. Our stickers are accessories for your journals! Follow WRGJournaling on Redbubble to see what else will be coming soon!

For example, we’ve just designed and released some new products to support the transition to “back-to-school” (wherever school is). These include organizational products and just-for-fun swag, such as canvas pencil bags, blank notebooks, masks, and stickers for laptops, notebooks, etc.

We’re especially excited about our “pencil & notebook” pattern (created by our graphic design junior intern). This pattern has inspired a range of products perfect for all the students (and journalers) in your life. Regardless of where school is happening this year, you'll be organized! The products below are available our new Redbubble store (you can also search for WRGJournaling, and you can also “follow” us there and “like” what you like).

All of this started because of an idea to create stickers, and to write about this story is tangential. So we’ll save this for our next blog post, coming soon!

If what you’ve read about here compels you to want to learn more or to share this post with others…. you know what to do- be in the moment and reach out!

Marni Amsellem, Ph.D.


Writing letters to fight social isolation (and COVID-19)

Greetings and wishes for health and wellness to all!

While this is not a post I had anticipated writing, this is what is currently on my mind.

I’m writing about something we can all do right now, an action that does good, on multiple levels, for ourselves and for others. It is a healthy and engaging activity for ALL ages (while we are hunkered down at-home). Additionally, it is an activity that can help recover from the impact of COVID-19 too. Read on to see how.

I am referring to the act of writing a letter to mail to someone. What many refer to as the “lost art” of letter-writing. On the one hand, if we look around us (well, around us online), we may see many of the “lost arts” making a resurgence in this time of social isolation. The lost art of sewing. Of baking bread. Of vegetable gardening. One of the benefits of being asked to slow down is that we can connect with these activities which do lend themselves to mindfulness and reflection.

Your call to action: Write a letter to someone else. Just because.

Benefits of writing a letter, right now:

How is the act of writing a letter good for you and others?

  • Writing letters is a way to stay connected and even build or strengthen relationships with anyone in the world, whether thousands of miles away or around the corner.

  • Writing a letter generates excitement. The excitement of receiving and opening a letter that arrives just for YOU (please wash your hands after).

  • Writing a letter can promote a host of positive emotions. Knowing you are doing something positive for someone else is also a feel-good for you!

  • Writing a letter is an activity for you or anyone else in your home who might be in need of something a little different.

  • A letter can then become keepsake or memento of this period of time.

  • Writing a letter is an opportunity for self-expression and perhaps reflection on the times. Or anything you want to write about.


How can the act of writing a letter be good for the world at present?

Simply put, when you write a letter on a greeting card that we have created for the Things You Can Do Today campaign, 100% of proceeds will go directly to assist in recovery efforts from Coronavirus. We have created a set of 4 original 5x7 cards and envelopes. The charity we have chosen is 4-CT, Connecticut COVID-19 Charity Connection to move funds to where they are most needed now to fight this deadly virus.

Why did we create this set of greeting cards?

Because we want to do something to help improve the current state of affairs while also encouraging positivity and connection and tapping into our own creativity.

How can you obtain a set of greeting cards?

We have created a series of daily actions which are designed to inspire and light a spark within you. To purchase, order your set of cards here. While you are waiting for your order to arrive, think about who you’ll write to! And if you are looking for some other reflective activities to do during this time, we invite you to check out these journaling resources and tools to help work through an emerging idea.

What to do once you receive your set of cards?

1) Write letters.

2) Mail them.

3) See what happens after you do. Did you receive a return letter? How was this experience for you? We’d love to hear!

May this endeavor become a rewarding and enjoyable activity that directly does some good for the world!


Marni Amsellem, Ph.D.

Founder, Write. Reflect. Grow.