
Reflecting on the season of giving

It has been some time since we’ve published a post. A whole rotation around the sun, in fact. Here we are again in the season where the days are short and the clock of final days of the year is ticking away.

Perhaps it feels like a season of frenzy.

Perhaps it feels like a season of celebration.

As we approach the holidays, let us reflect on what the season of giving feels like for us.

Though through the frenzy, let us create and accept opportunities to unwind. Let’s remind ourselves to give ourselves the gift of calm, the gift of hitting pause, and the gift of stepping back.

Through the celebration let us give ourselves the gift of gratitude. Let us recognize who and what we are truly grateful for. Let us embrace all that we have accomplished, all that we have survived, and all of the good around us.

And through the season of giving, let us reflect on all that giving means for us. Through the gifts that we select for others, let us also remember to give ourselves what helps us feel nourished. Whether it comes in a pretty package or a simple holiday greeting, let us share what we can give. Whether we are surrounded by those we love this season or remain distanced, let us give from a place of genuineness and pleasure. Finally, however and whenever we see the need, may we give support to those who need it (which really is all of us).

What does the season of giving feel like for you this year?

For us, it will look like all of the above. And as we look to the year ahead, we have plans for continuing the season of giving. We plan on dedicating a lot of attention supporting charitable causes in months ahead. For example, as we lead into the new year, we will be donating all proceeds from the sales of our journals (including blank journals) to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. And extending throughout the year, proceeds from the sale of Reflections: A Journal Companion for the Cancer Journey will be donated to organizations which provide cancer support services. Our hope is that by continuing this season of giving throughout the year, we promote the gift of reflection- the gift that keeps on giving.